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About the Journal

The International Journal of Drug Research and Technology is an Open Access-Peer Reviewed International level Journal which includes wide range of fields. 

The journal creates a platform for the authors to publish a relatively reliable source of information on recent drug reserach and technology through Research articles, Review articles, Short communications, opinion articles, Editorilas, Commentaries and clinical studies etc. It emphasize on free online access to the researchers worldwide. It’s an on-going theoretical & practical based publication that proffers novel scientific research on the adept practical approaches related to Drug. The International Journal of Drug Research and Technology act as a bridge between the medical community and the vast population by dispersing scientific advancements in medical and clinical research on drug related discoveries.

Manuscripts that accentuate social awareness of different kinds of technologies in the area of drug discovery and provide moral support to the patients undergoing emotional strain & with their affliction because of many disorders. Articles will be peer-reviewed by researchers and scholars which gives a good scope for new development and research in the Journal.

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