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Yimin Cui

Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing, China


  • Mini Review   
    Author(s): Yimin Cui*

    To help prevent drug errors, it is recommended that drugs should be checked with a second person before administration. We aimed to assess the feasibility of introducing second-person or electronic bar-code confirmation of drugs, administered during anaesthesia, in the National Health Service (NHS) settings. Drug errors during anaesthesia remain a serious cause of iatrogenic harm .The white paper ‘Building a safer NHS for patients’9 recommends that ideally, all drug administration should be checked by two qualified practitioners. Several publications suggest that errors can be reduced through double-checking. A review of strategies for preventing drug errors during anaesthesia concluded that double-checking could have prevented 58% of the errors, which made it the most effective single measure. The need to double-check to prevent drug errors during anaesthesia has been str.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37421/2277-1506.2022.11.367

    Abstract HTML PDF